Rehabilitation of the Daphne Building Complex

Brief Description

This project relates to the rehabilitation of the building infrastructure (a total of 4600 m2) and of the surrounding area owned by Simonopetra in Daphne, the port of the Holy Mountain located 10 km NW of the main complex of the Sacred Monastery of Simonos Petras.

Purpose & Object

The reconstructed premises are intended to host pilgrims to the Holy Mountain and provide areas and facilities suitable for gatherings / presentations / exhibitions and libraries within the frame of enhancing the living approach to the Hagiorite monastic tradition and the comprehensive cultural and natural assets of the Athonite State.

The project comprises of three main phases:

Phase A

  • Repair / restoration of the church of All Saints (drawing #1, photo #1)
  • Rehabilitation / conversion of the traditional Simonopetra’s Overseer’s House Papayiannis Building, (drawing #2, photo #2) to be used for pilgrim accommodation.
  • Rehabilitation / conversion of the lumber storage shed (drawing #3, photo #3) to be used for / as VIP accommodation, restaurant and presentation hall.
  • Restoration of the adjacent surrounding area.
  • Budget for Phase A: € 3.500.000
Daphne Proposed
Daphne Proposed Project

Phase B

  • Relocation of the lumber processing facility (Drawing #7) – Expansion – Equipment for the manufacturing unit – Lumber Drying Facility.
  • Construction of a new sawmill.
  • Creation of suitable space and purchase of equipment for the production and storage of raw material and wood chips.
  • Construction of the laborers’ building.
  • Construction of general storage facilities.
  • Water supply infrastructure, Renewable Energy Sources.
  • Budget for Phase B: € 2.500.000
lumber processing facility exterior
lumber processing facility exterior
lumber processing facility interior
lumber processing facility interior

Phase C

  • Conversion of the old sawmill for use as hosting premises (Drawing #7).
  • Conversion of remaining infrastructure such as the Daphne Overseer’s House (Drawing #4 & #5 respectively) as well as of the existing lumber Laborers’ Building (Drawing #6, Photo #3) into a hostel and spaces for the exhibition of Hagiorite collections (photographs, copper embossing, maps, wood carvings, art, etc.).
  • Restoration of the adjacent surrounding area.
  • Infrastructure Projects (water, power supplies) for the Hosting Facilities of the Daphne Complex.
  • Budget for Phase C: € 3.200.00
laborers’ building
laborers’ building
laborers’ building
laborers’ building